Ten Ways To Green Your Holidays
The holidays are overwhelming for all of us, including our planet. The amount of waste is exceptional this time of year. Here are ten things you can do to…
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Waste AWARE Certification – Cleaning Companies & Housekeeping Teams
The amount of waste humans produce is steadily rising and so is the cost of dealing with it. Global solid waste…
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Responsible Waste Management at Resilient Streets Events
The Whistler Resilient Streets project is currently underway working to build greater connections between neighbors in the Whistler area. The pilot initiative awards funding to neighbourhoods…
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Trash Talk
Do you know where your waste belongs and why? In partnership with the Resort Municipality of Whistler, AWARE developed this infographic to help you better understand how to deal…
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Whistler’s Community Vision (& OCP)
Whistlerites are being invited to participate in processes to revisit our shared ‘Community Vision’ for Whistler’s future and the Official Community Plan (OCP). Revisions of these two key community…
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