Whistler Nature Camp Diary – Friendly Forests
Did you know that trees are the longest living organism on Earth and that they never die of old age! Trees provide food and habitat for animals, absorb carbon…
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Whistler Nature Camp Diary – Things with Wings
This weeks theme at camp was Things with Wings! From birds to bats to bugs, there are many Whistler creatures with wings! Migratory birds help remind us how interconnected…
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Whistle Nature Camp Diary – Aquatic Adventures II
This week of camp aligned beautifully with the Western Toad Migration at Lost Lake. Every year between late July and early August tens of thousands of tiny toadlets make…
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Whistler Nature Camp Diary – Stealth & Camouflage
Predator and prey are both essential in maintaining healthy ecosystems. Predators help control the population of grazing animals and they are also key in the process of…
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Whistler Nature Camp Diary – Aquatic Adventure 1
We had a blast splashing into our theme ‘Aquatic Adventures’ this week! We learned a ton about wetlands and water creatures! All of the campers were especially enthusiastic about…
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