Whistler’s largest remaining intact upland/wetland complex is again being threatened by development. The proposal for a Whistler International Campus (university) would see intensive development of the uplands on the 77 acre site which is owned by the Vancouver based Zen family who are long time developers. With nearly a million square feet of phased built infrastructure, including buildings of up to six storeys, the site would provide accommodation for 1400 students, a 400 person lecture theatre, as well as all the supporting infrastructure needed for students and the 400+ staff.
At the December 3rd council meeting current Mayor and Council will consider whether to allow the development proposal to enter a process to up-zone the site for a university development. Wetlands and the uplands that support them are of huge importance as habitat due to their biodiversity, but also as a natural flood defence, water filter and carbon sink. With over 70% of Whistler’s original wetlands lost it is vital we preserve this site.
Find out more information:
Whistler’s Wetlands Under Threat & The Importance of Wetlands in Whistler