Embracing Circular Economy Month in Whistler: Closing the Loop for a Sustainable Future

October is Circular Economy Month, a time to rethink how we consume and interact with resources. This initiative encourages a shift from the traditional linear economy—take, make, dispose—to a circular model where we minimize waste and maximize resource use.

In Whistler, this theme resonates strongly with the Resort Municipality of Whistler’s (RMOW) Climate Action Plan, specifically Big Move 6: “Close the loop and shift toward lower carbon consumption.” To celebrate this important month, AWARE is hosting a series of exciting events, sponsored by RMOW, that highlight circular economy practices.

What is the Circular Economy?

A circular economy is a new way of looking at how we make and use things. It minimizes waste and makes the most of the earth’s resources, like wood from trees or minerals from the ground. In an economy where we make products that last longer, that can be be fixed, reused again and again, and deconstructed into their original parts, we move away from a linear economy (take-make-waste) towards a more affordable, less cluttered, more biodiverse world with tight-knit communities that support each other.

“Circularity” means creating products that use fewer materials, last longer, and produce less waste. A circular economy focuses on reusing resources instead of just using them once and throwing them away. It’s a more sustainable system where materials are kept in use for as long as possible.

Local Events to Get Involved

  • Repair Café on October 5th: Bring your broken items and learn how to repair them alongside skilled volunteers. We’re looking for volunteer fixers with repair skills to help attendees. If you’d like to help out at the Repair Café, please email Lauren at zerowaste@whistler.ca.
  • Community Garage Sale on October 6th: Clear out your clutter and find new treasures at our community garage sale.
  • Clothing Swap on October 15th: Refresh your wardrobe sustainably by exchanging clothes with others. We also need volunteers to help run this fun event. If you’d like to assist, please fill out this form.

What Else Can You Do?

  • Educate Yourself: Explore online resources, such as circulareconomymonth.ca to learn about the principles of the circular economy and how they can be applied in everyday life.
  • Make Small Changes: Start incorporating circular practices into your daily routine, such as reducing waste, repurposing items, or supporting local businesses that prioritize sustainability.
  • Advocate for Change: Use your voice to encourage friends, family, and your community to adopt circular economy principles.

As we celebrate Circular Economy Month, let’s take this opportunity to reflect on our consumption habits and work towards a more sustainable future. Together, we can create a world where resources are valued, waste is minimized, and everyone benefits from a healthier planet. Join the movement today!

Event Sponsors

The Repair Café is brought to you in partnership by AWARE, the Resort Municipality of Whistler and the Whistler Public Library.

The Clothing Swap is made possible through the generous support of our sponsor, the Resort Municipality of Whistler. We also extend our gratitude to Fairmont Chateau Whistler for their continued donation of their ballroom for the Fall Clothing Swap, which makes this event possible.

The Community Garage Sale is made possible through the generous support of our sponsor, the Resort Municipality of Whistler. We also extend our gratitude to Whistler Blackcomb for their continued donation of the Creekside Underground, which ensures that the event can proceed smoothly, rain or shine.

Resort Municipality of Whistler (RMOW) logo.   

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