AWARE’s Environmental Programs & Events

AWARE works towards a vision of a knowledgeable community that is engaged and empowered to preserve and enhance the environment on which it depends. To do this, we put on a variety of environmental programs for the community to get involved in, so that you can join us in helping create this vision.

Community Events

AWARE hosts and co-hosts a number of popular community events such as the Community Garage Sale in the Creekside Underground, Clothing Swaps, Repair Cafés, Seed Swaps, Movie Screenings, Green Drinks and more!

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Zero Waste Initiatives

Four images: 1 - grass with a paper sign on top with the recycle symbol. 2 - the logo for "Zero Waste Heroes". 3 - A green tent, a 'recycle here' sign and a series of bins on a field. 4 - the logo for "Straw wars Whistler" with a straw on it.

Zero Waste Education Workshops

Delivering in-school workshops focused on Zero Waste throughout the SLRD

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Zero Waste Heroes Program

Helping minimize event waste and move the community towards its Zero Waste Goals

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Community Waste Reduction Events

Annual events put on by AWARE to encourage reuse and reduce waste in the Whistler community

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Straw Wars Whistler

Don’t be a sucker, Say No to Straws! The movement to eradicate the BILLIONS of straws trashed annually

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Conservation & Climate Action

Two images side by side. The first is of four children smiling at the camera next to a glass capsule with dirt inside. The second is a landscape image of a lake with rocks and greenery around it.

How to be an EcoCitizen

Empowering every person to be a good steward of our resources, land and wildlife

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GROW: Garden Program

Growing Food | Cultivating Health | Reducing Waste | Building Community

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Showcasing biodiversity through learning and hard science  with the Whistler Naturalists

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Fungus Among Us

A two-day fungus festival uniting us all around Whistler’s fascinating abundance of fungi

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Want to learn more?  Check out our past projects:

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