Over the summer AWARE and Arts Whistler invited the local community to submit their photographs themed around environmentalism, natural beauty & ecocitizenship. We received over 100 breathtaking submissions from local photographers and curated a thoughtful exhibition showcasing their work.
Resident and guest surveys repeatedly recognize nature as one of the top reasons that people choose Whistler – to work, live and play. The We Are AWARE: Nature Photo Exhibition had a focus on nature for this reason, as it is one of the main foundations of the Whistler experience for locals and guests, as well as all of our native species.
Climate change in Whistler is bringing longer, hotter and drier summers, less snowfall in the valley, forest fires, floods, drought, heat domes, glacier loss and more. All of these cause havoc to natural ecosystems and native species. Whistler’s nature is under threat, but together we can protect it.
As people, we protect what we love. To love something we have to know it. But once we know it, what can we do to protect it?

We all have a part to play in helping Whistler protect its nature. From taking the valley trail over driving the car, bringing a reusable cup and declining the disposable option, composting your food waste over sending it all to landfill. There are so many simple fixes that can be applied in every day life that can make a big impact in reducing our carbon footprint and thus helping to curb climate change.
The exhibition will prompt you to consider the damaging effects of our lifestyles on Whistler’s natural world. Admire the images that have been taken by the local community, and consider the scenes that may not be around for much longer unless we all do something to help.
The We Are AWARE: Nature Photo Exhibit will be on display at the Maury Young Arts Centre from November 16th to December 23rd. Visit the gallery during their opening hours and check out the exhibit for free. On November 18th, 7-9pm, join us for the We are AWARE: Nature Photo Art Party to officially open this thought-provoking exhibit. There will be appies, live music and a bar, and you’ll hear from AWARE’s Executive Director, Claire Ruddy and a couple of judges around the reasoning behind the photo contest and a few special artist mentions.