• Kids Nature Club

    × COVID-19 Closure: We have been watching the rapidly changing situation around COVID-19 and the advisories of Vancouver Coastal Health, the School District and Province. At this time, Kids Nature Club will be closed until further notice. We do this in an effort to provide certainty for parents and to ensure we stay ahead of evolving advisories. We wish everyone the best in this challenging time. Please enjoy our free Whistler Nature Kids @ Home activities to stay connected with nature from your own backyards! The AWARE Kids Nature Club has been educating local and visiting youth about all things environmental since 2007. See you at the next Kids Nature Club on the: Last Sunday of Every Month at the Whistler Public Library from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. These free sessions are focused on encouraging learning through fun interactive activities and are open to all, but are mainly intended for kids aged 5-11 (all children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian).  Past topics have included building solar-powered cars, painting birdhouses and learning about local bird song, turning rubbish into art, being bear smart and creepy crawlies. No registration is required - simply show up! 2020 Themes January 27 | A Woodland Winter February 24 | Animal Tracks and Trails March 31 | Zero Waste Heroes April 28 | Plants with a Purpose May 26 | Welcome to the Jungle June 30 | Wilderness Survival July 28 | Wonderful Wetlands August 25 | Camouflaged Critters September 29 | Fall Frenzy October 27 | Spooky Species November 24 | Mad Scientists December | Reminder that there is no Kids Club in December   For monthly Kids Nature Club reminders and session themes, sign up for our mailing list: For more information about the AWARE Kids Nature Club please contact us at info@awarewhistler.org For more AWARE events: Take me to the Events Calendar   Thank you to the Whistler Public Library for their continual support and kindly donating their community space and to Regional Recycling Whistler for funding this program. Love What We Do? Support Conservation and Climate Action:

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  • Green Drinks

    Green Drinks is a monthly get together where people from all walks of life can gather to talk about anything and everything green – climate change, lichen, creating societal…

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