The AWARE Board of Directors

The Board of Directors governs AWARE and its work in the community by providing oversight of AWARE’s strategic and annual work plans. Contributing a diversity of skills and experience AWARE Directors serve a two‐year term, with the Annual General Meeting (AGM) creating the opportunity for a yearly influx of new directors. AWARE’s Board can consist of up to 12 elected Directors. At each AGM only new directors or those at the end of their two-year term need to apply. All AWARE members in good standing and present at the AGM are eligible to vote for directors.

The Role of the Board

A Board of Directors is at minimum responsible for the governance of an organization. This responsibility can be broken down into six key elements:

  • Provide strategic leadership & direction for AWARE
  • Set the conditions for organizational success
  • Oversee and monitor all aspects of governance
  • Ensure the organization’s financial health and sustainability
  • Protect the best interests of the organization and the environment it exists to serve
  • Ensure knowledge of stakeholder expectations, needs, concerns, and interests, and build effective relationships.

AWARE’s board is a volunteer ‘working board’, meaning that in addition to the above, the board undertakes operational tasks to support the group’s strategic goals. Much of this work takes place though committee groups, which may be ongoing (e.g. meeting throughout the year to undertake annual HR tasks), or ad-hoc with just a few meetings needed to work together on specific actions (e.g. organization of a large event or setting strategy around a particular issue). Committees are made up of directors, staff and volunteers.


General Expectations of an AWARE Board Member

Directors commit to a two-year term and are asked to:

  • Regularly attend Board and Public meetings
  • Make a serious commitment to contributing to the success of AWARE’s campaigns
  • Stay informed about current campaigns, prepare well for meetings, comment on minutes and prepare reports for your area of responsibility
  • Willingly accept responsibilities of your position and complete them thoroughly and on time
  • Get to know other Board members and build a collegial working relationship that contributes to achieving consensus
  • Be an active participant in the Board’s annual evaluation and planning efforts
  • Participate in community engagement and advocacy for the organization
  • Be an ambassador for positive environmental stewardship
  • Act honestly, in good faith and in the best interests of the society, and exercise the care, diligence, and skill of a reasonably prudent person

Director Nominations – Process and Deadlines

AWARE’s Board can consist of up to 12 elected Directors. At each AGM, only new directors or those at the end of their two-year term need to apply. All AWARE members in good standing and present at the AGM are eligible to vote for directors.

Prior to our AGM every year, we accept nominations for Directors. In order to be considered for AWARE’s Board of Directors please:

  • Review the AWARE Board Director Nomination Package to find out more about what you can expect as an AWARE Board Director.
  • Complete the Board Director Nomination Form to tell us a little bit about yourself and to let us know who is nominating you for the role.
  • You may be contacted for further information by the Board panel that reviews nominations.
  • Successful nominations will be sent out to the AWARE membership in advance of the AGM for review.
  • At the AGM, AWARE members in good standing vote on nominations to confirm the next Board.

For more information about nominations, applications, and our organization as a whole please review the AWARE Board Director Nomination Package and our 2021-2023 Strategic Plan.

For more information, contact AWARE’s President at

Photo Credit: Andi Wardrop