Meet one of AWARE’s board directors, supporter and donor: Kim Tindal of Vessel Refillery
What motivated you to contribute to AWARE?
AWARE’s presence in Whistler is critical to the resort’s future – the programming and advocacy work is an important part of fighting the climate crisis on a local level. In the last few years, we’ve seen more extreme weather and evidence of the climate crisis and can no longer afford to wait for other to act.
What AWARE programs / work do you think community members need to know more about?
I feel like many people know about some of the programming that AWARE does (Zero Waste Heroes, GROW, Garage Sale, etc.) but they don’t necessarily know that AWARE is behind all of them, or the extent of the programs. Ongoing communication about these programs is important, however, while all the of programing is a large part of AWARE I think it would be great if people had a better idea of all the consultation and advocacy work that AWARE does. Staff, board members and volunteers all put in countless hours on committees and working groups that address environmental concerns.
What advice do you have to others who are considering a donation / volunteering?
Start by giving a little or participating in an AWARE event/program. I strongly feel that instead of waiting for others to take action, all individuals should start by doing one small thing – donate, participate or volunteer. Watch for information about AWARE’s Earth Week events. We have started planning several fun and interactive events to get people involved and connected to AWARE and its values.
Vessel Refillery – Striving for zero waste in the Sea to SkyThe inspiration for Vessel Refillery was an almost empty bottle of dish soap, and the debate on what to do next. The goal of Vessel Refillery is to help people reduce single use plastics. We make it easier for people to make low waste choices by bringing refills right to their door.
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AWARE’s work takes place on the shared, unceded territory of the Líḻwat7ul and Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Nations. We respect and commit to deep reflection and support of the history, culture, stewardship and voice of these first peoples.